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Tasting (in English)

Tasting (in English)
16:30 Uhr
BRENNLUST | Destillerie & Events - Inh. Andrea Koch
Leonhardstr. 3
78333 Stockach
Beschreibung der Veranstaltung:

Take a seat in my small distillery and let us dive into the world of brandies, spirits and liqueurs: We will taste 6 distillates together and not only learn the difference between brandies and spirits, but also clarify other topics, such as the correct tasting of spirits and their storage. Look forward to an entertaining evening full of enjoyment and expertise. The entire tasting will be held in English only.

We serve 6 different distillates and a small snack.

Starting 16:30 o’clock.

The Tasting takes place at Leonhardstr. 3, 78333 Stockach.

The tasting lasts approx. 2 to 2,5 hours.

The tasting is limited to 12 people, all participants must be of age.

Host of the evening will be master distiller Andrea.

The entire tasting will be held in English only.