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Guided Tour of our Ostrich-Farm

Guided Tour of our Ostrich-Farm
14:00 Uhr
Straußenfarm Hegau-Bodensee Straussenfarm
Adresse der Veranstaltung:
Straußenfarm Hegau-Bodensee
Airach 3
78333 Stockach
Beschreibung der Veranstaltung:

Get up close with the ostrich - the biggest bird of the world...


Hello… this is a special offer for English-speaking people!

Visit and get to know us and our little, charming farm on a unique tour.

The ostrich – biggest bird in the world - is the focus of the tour and you will be informed in detail about the ostrich-keeping. You can experience these wonderful animals up close - from very small to very large. You will feel how soft an ostrich-feather is and see how perfect a giant ostrich-egg can be.

Our hatchery is also part of our tours: So with a bit of luck you may also see a hatching ostrich-chick. The first chicks on our farm are usually expected from April...

Constanze or Werner, our tour-guides, will offer you and your family an exciting, humorous and unforgettable experience.

After the 90-minutes lasting tour, you are welcome to shop in our small farm-shop and provide yourself with ostrich-meat, ostrich-sausage or maybe a present made from ostrich-egg…

We are looking forward to your booking!